Martha Cambell Pullen, Ph.D.


devotionals Jun 27, 2022

Luke 14:27

Whoever does not bear his own cross and come after me cannot be my disciple.
Dr. Henry Blackaby is one of my favorite Christian writers.  His wife Marilyn is an avid
heirloom sewist and came to several of our sewing schools.  One year she brought
several of her daughters in law and granddaughters to the sewing school. In Dr. Henry's
book, Experiencing the Cross- Your Greatest Opportunity for a Victory over Sin, I have
learned so much and have his permission to share information on the inside front cover
and on the back. 

Dr. Blackaby writes:

“Jesus Christ died not so that you would recognize a historical fact.  Or memorize a
particular doctrine.  Or continue with life as it is.
No, Christ's death was God's decisive deed in your life, conquering sin once and for all.
The cross beacons you every day, with power to transform every detail of your
existence as you begin to see Calvary from God's perspective.

Will you yield to God's provision in his cross?  Will you receive the power and presence
of Jesus Christ?  Will you dare to experience the cross?
The cross is not just his.  The cross is ours, and the cross is yours.  It transcends the
physical dimension, and it transcends time. As you forgo your limited human
perspective, God’s complete, overwhelming, all-consuming love will envelop you, you'll
experience His blessings as they've never been seen, heard, or felt before-guaranteed.
 Because the one who called you to bear your cross also goes with you.  Every step of
the way.”

Dr. Blackaby shares scriptures from his lifetime of study about the cross of Christ and its
place in the heart and mind of God from eternity. This book is not just about studying
the Bible but it is also about how to apply the Bible and the cross to my life today. I
especially love the questions given above about my willingness to yield to God’s
provision, receive the power and presence of Jesus Christ and truly experience the


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